Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Journey Begins

Come follow Back Roads Bessie, a.k.a. my mom, across the country for the summer.  Bessie is deathly afraid of highways, speed limits larger than 40 MPH, tractor trailer trucks, and flying.  Here's the problem, Bessie's younger daughter moved to Oregon last summer and Bessie desperately wants to see her, so she enlisted me, her older daughter with two kids, to drive her across the country.  Our destination is in southern Oregon.  We will take you with us on our extraordinary journey across mountains, rivers, plains, and deserts.  We will be meeting my dad, a.k.a. Left Lane Joe in Denver, Colorado.

Check in daily to see our progress and make sure I haven't left Back Roads Bessie on the side of the road somewhere while I go looking for a highway!

ETD: July 2, 2011

State of Departure:  Massachusetts

State of Destination: Oregon

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