Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Making Lists and Checking them Twice

So today I sat down to try and make a list of everything I need for this trip.  We're leaving a week from Saturday...A WEEK FROM SATURDAY, this is me yelling because I'm so not ready!  How do you make a list for a six year and a baby for five weeks.  If anyone has any ideas let me know.  I got as far as writing "fan" on the list and that was about it before I got bored and moved onto the next thing.

If you know me at all you know that I'm very easily distracted (yes, I can see all of you nodding your heads...even if I can't see you, I know you're doing it.)  I never even thought about how hard it was going to be to pack all of this in a tiny CRV until a friend of mine pointed it out a couple of weeks ago.  I laughed it off at the time and then shortly after realized it wasn't funny.  Backroads Bessie keeps reminding me that I only have a little bit of space.  I wonder if I can magically transform her car to hold more stuff like Mary Poppins did.  No, you say?  Darn...

Bessie is packed and ready to go.  I have my knitting, my atlas, and a few clothes.  Bring it on.  Let's go!!


  1. Pack just 3 or 4 outfits each and do laundry in the hotels? Doesn't take up much room and you won't be seeing any of the same people twice (ok...pack enough outfits for your longest stop). Alot less to carry in and out of the hotels.

    Friends did this traveling through Europe. Me...nope...we brought two big suitcases and one small one. We just sort through every few days and put clothes into the little one to carry around and the big ones stay in the car most of the time.

    Have fun getting ready. We were worming sheep at the time we had designated to leave...didn't get on the road for another 2 hours! Couldn't make that wait til we got home!!!

  2. I've driven across the country twice now, once in a Chevy Trailblazer and once in a larger moving truck, and your friend is right. Pack 2 suitcases, one for your longest stop and one "traveling bag" with all your essentials in it. Good luck Bessie! Have a great time on this adventure!!
