Sunday, July 10, 2011

Left Lane Joe

Snow in July along I-70 in Colorado

The view coming out of the Eisenhower Tunnel

Good thing there are a lot of runaway truck ramps!

Signs along the way remind the truckers just how steep and long some of these hills are!

One of the ski areas - Vail, I think

 Jeremiah's favorite part, the tunnels!

 Coming into the Colorado high desert

I have never been as happy to see my dad as I was today when we picked him up at the Denver Airport!  I only had to drive for and hour and half, it was so nice!  I'll tell you what, when we picked Left Lane Joe up, we got on I-70 in Denver and were in Utah by late afternoon!  Left Lane Joe moves on the highway!

We saw some beautiful sights today as we passed through the Colorado Rockies and the Eisenhower Tunnel and into Utah.  There is so much open space out here.  We saw some famous ski areas such as Breckinridge and Vail.  We also saw some of the mining that goes on out here.  We were able to see some of the destruction from the Colorado wildfires a few years ago as well as a very high Colorado River!

We are beginning to realize just how big our country really is.  We are now in some very vast country out here in Utah.  You can see storms coming for miles over the desert and it's just amazing.  I'll be posting some pictures of some of our adventures today.

1 comment:

  1. The pics are great. Seems like I was just through here a couple weeks ago...oh yeah, I WAS. It was 39 and raining through the passes on the way to Vail. Good thing, cause it had snowed that morning - the day before the first day of summer.

    Hope your travels are safe and fun!
