Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rest Day

Today we decided to stay in Missouri for another night.  We are in the town of Hannibal, MO which is Mark Twain's hometown.  This morning Jeremiah and I went to Mark Twain's Cave.  I was a little claustrophobic at first but was okay after a few minutes.  I was listening to the stories and couldn't believe that parents let their children wander around the caves completely unsupervised back in his day!  Children would get lost and people would have to go searching.  Jeremiah had a blast!  He kept telling the guide that he found new secret passageways!  After the cave tour we went back to the motel and picked up Bessie and Isaac.  We then went on a trolley tour of Hannibal.  Our trolley driver was named Maudene and she was worth the whole trip right there.  She was a trip!  She was driving the trolley, answering her cell phone, talking on a microphone and remember everything all at the same time.  We were driving over curbs and up and down hills.  We then found a candy store of course and are looking forward to digging into that after dinner.

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