Saturday, July 9, 2011

Colorado Mountain Watch

We sped through Kansas all day anticipating the Colorado Mountains.  It was strange though, when we got to Colorado we found it to be even flatter than Kansas.  We thought we might have gone the wrong way at first!  Last night we stayed in Marysville, Kansas on Highway 36 which we found out to be the Pony Express Highway as well as part of the Oregon Trail.  This was very exciting considering we never made it to Fort Riley to see Bessie's Roxaboxen.  We were just too tired.  Today we drove the rest of the way through Kansas and passed the Geographical Center of the continental United States.

Tomorrow we pick up my dad and I couldn't be happier to give up the driving.  I drove every mile of this trip so far and I'm tired!

We got into Colorado just in time for some horrible weather.  We had thunderstorms all around us, which we could see coming for miles.  There were even tornadoes just north and east of us.  Bessie was surprisingly doing alright.  I guess she's so tired she didn't even know what was going on.

Three more days until Oregon!!!!

1 comment:

  1. yeah the "eastern" slope of Colorado is rather "flat" but it's all worth it when you see those mountains!
