Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ice cream stands and crawling in the grass

Today we found an ice cream stand for lunch!  It was delicious.  It was on a back road driving through some little town in New York.  I'm sure the people there thought we were crazy jumping out of the car with the two kids and all our stuff.  There was plenty of room for the kids to run around (or crawl in Isaac's case).  He loved crawling in the grass.

We are stopped at our motel for the night and what do I see right outside my window?  A nice highway on which to travel, but not for me.  Backroads Bessie is adamant that we stay off the highways.  I told her that I would be dreaming of that highway and driving fast!

Backroads Bessie is wondering whose idea it was to drive across the country?  I'm not exactly sure who came up with the idea, but we're doing it.  Are we crazy?  Most definitely.

Here are a couple of pictures of the kids from today's lunch (if we can figure out how to upload them!)


Backroads Bessie's Pushover daughter

PS:  Tomorrow is Primanti Brothers that we will get to on a back road if we don't get lost.

Sunday, July 3rd:

We left the motel around 9:00 in the morning, later than we had hoped.  We must have made quite a sight with our luggage cart.  There's only four of us traveling right now, but anyone seeing our luggage would figure had about a dozen kids.  I hope we can get this leaving thing down to be quicker, or we'll get to Oregon in time to come home.
We crossed into Pennsylvania in the late morning and ended up in the Allegheny National Forest.  The Kinzua Dam and Reservoir are in the Forest.  The Kinzua Dam and Reservoir is just one of sixteen flood control projects for greater Pittsburgh.  It was completed in 1965.  In 1972, it provided protection from tropical storm Agnes.  It is thought that about 247 million dollars in flood damage was prevented.  Pittsburgh is vulnerable to flooding from the Allegheny River.
We arrived in Grove City, Pennsylvania in time for a late lunch at Primanti Brothers.  Travel channel fans, you know what I'm talking about.  In the 1903's, Joe Primanti opened a cart in Pittsburgh to sell sandwiches to truckers.  He eventually opened a restaurant.  Hours were from 3 a.m. to 3 p.m., when the trucks were unloaded.  The truckers were in a hurry, so everything was put into the sandwich.  The sandwich consists of bread, coleslaw, meat, and french fries. There are several Primanti Brothers restaurants, including one in Florida. I can testify that the sandwiches are delicious.

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